Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Coat Racks For Your Kids

https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEiNCusvDY73NChbtVPueFI7iLF7FtF_v6yYeP_08DoDX903wYfTWPOD8SpALcFmMMqQoMuo0T8gHRWE2bynW9bESWN3pa2GMkiXXMMP7-FB_XyRegQQVFMNQSY9WUuRwuLi-ciw_-BytAPn/s400/coat.jpg  http://www.myurbanchild.com/catalog/clothestree4.jpg

Kids coat racks are a necessity especially during rainy or winter season. Most children will bring their coats or jackets with them every day in this season. So, it is important to have a place where they can hang their jackets or coats when they are wet, to allow these to dry before using them again after class. Hanging their jackets in a coat rack teaches them independence, an important attitude that children should be able to develop even while still young, so as not to let them depend too much on the adults surrounding them. This is an attitude that is very essential for them to learn and develop to make them responsible adults later in life.
Kids' coat racks should be shorter (for a few inches) than the adults' coat racks.

http://www.warehouseplazashops.com/files/716378/uploaded/0771JC.jpg   http://img.homedit.com/2009/07/the-ribbon-coat-rack-by-headsprung.jpg

The difference may seem unnoticeable but it still does matter. These racks for kids should be built with a height that they can easily reach, especially the uppermost hook, so as to let them hang their coats or jackets by themselves. Having an adult's coat rack in your day care center instead of the ones designed for kids will only make them depend on adults (since they have to seek an adult's assistance to be able to hung the coat or jacket) and when the there is no adult around them to help, they will end up tossing their jackets or coats on the floor, which is certainly not a good behavior and will only contribute to the mess in the room.

This is a routine that children should be able to absorb and make s a part of their habit, so as to improve their organizing skills and improve their attitude, especially when they will be facing society on their own.